A Different Man: Like Two Movies in One
A Different Man captivated me. It made me think about our outlook on life.

Anora: Review of an Award-Worthy Film
Sean Baker is back with another at life through the eyes of a sex worker.

A Review of The 4:30 Movie
Kevin Smith's new film has as much heart as his best works. Something that helped me get through a depressive and traumatic life.

Small Films 19: The Year of Staring at Noses
A lady named Samantha goes bananas over a reality show rejection after "fixing" her nose in this week's dark yet entertaining addition to Small Films.

Small Films 18: The Moshumentary
Stanley Sievers, aka Mosh Retirement Guy, is the featured filmmaker in this week's Small Films. The Moshumentary is about a guy going on "mosh retirement" for the reunion of his favorite band.

Bad Boys by Adil El Arbi & Billal Fallah
Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah's second iteration of the Bad Boys franchise is a fun popcorn-munching comedy action blockbuster.

Late Night With Beavers: AI vs Creativity
It was an exciting double feature. Until it wasn't.

The Taste of Things & 5 Movies for Foodies
The Small Reviews usually feature social commentary, scary horror, and irreverent comedy. Sometimes, it's just good to sit back, relax, and see a pretty film about people cooking and enjoying food.