Small Films 06: Magical Caresses | Sweet Jesus

Magical Caresses - Sweet Jesus

A Weekly Short Film Review

I’m 18 or older.

We return with our sixth edition of Small Films. This week, we are featuring a very intriguing and humorous animated short documentary, part of the Magical Caresses series. Sweet Jesus examines the religious morals and taboos around the female body. The narrator takes you on a short journey to her childhood and adolescence and recounts in a jocular way how the belief caused shame in her sexuality.   

Montreal-based animator Lori Malépart-Traversy has done a few cool animated shorts, including the funny and informative Le Clitoris. The Magical Caresses vignettes are adapted from the Caresses magiques book series written and edited by Sarah Gagnon-Piché and Sara Hébert. This is a steamy one to watch in private, in no public spaces, and without kids around. 

Enjoy this mature content discreetly. If you feel identified by the Jesus and masturbation content, it’s okay to laugh. 

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