Music from movies and life outside the couch.
The second volume of Music to Write About Movies is live and stacked with some sick jams. Inspired by music that was released lately, two of my favorite horror movies of the year so far, and a little bit of music I saw live, it progresses into the intensity I felt in the movie theater with these two films and slows back down, ending with a song that was stocked in my head in my entire childhood.
So, sit back and enjoy the ride. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did putting it together. Rock on!
Playlist Highlights

New York producer Blockhead has been killing it this year with Luminous Rubble and his instrumental album The Aux. It’s been on heavy rotation when I work from home during the day and write about movies at night. And it should be on heavy rotation in your playlists as well.
Killer Mike

Run the Jewels is a hip-hop favorite here in the Small Reviews office. This means anything Killer Mike does has our attention. HUMBLE ME, Killer Mike’s latest single, is definitely a must-listen.

On his website,, he claims to have 100 albums. I don’t know if he sleeps and has a social life, but I do know he smokes a lot of weed, and that’s what his overwhelming amount of music is all about. He praises the creator of weed, God, on his latest album, called…God. So light a joint and praise God listening to this one.
Note from the editor to US residents: Small Reviews don’t encourage the use of illegal drugs. If weed is still illegal in your state (sorry to hear that), cross state lines and buy it legally. You can praise God. That’s legal everywhere.
Childish Gambino

We love everything Donald Glover does. He is an artist that’s been giving very cool shit to this world in the past two decades. His music as Childish Gambino is always enjoyable. But there is so much life in his genre bending, culturary rich, new album, Bando Stone & the New Word that if he’s retiring his Childish Gambino persona, he’s putting it away with some bangers.
Laura Jane Grace

It would be hard to overlook Laura Jane Grace in the Volume 2 discussion. She is an exceptional artist who deserves a biopic film. She began her career with Against Me! and released the classic album “Reinventing Axl Rose.” Midway through her career, she transitioned to female and has since continued to release new music as a solo performer.
She continues writing revolutionary hymns about her anarchist beliefs and transgender journey without signs of slowing down. Though I’m Not a Cop felt like a good fit for this playlist, the rest of the Hole In My Head album and the Karma Too Close single are worth anyone’s time.