Music to Write About David Lynch Movies

A tribute to the eccentric auteur.

In honor of his life, I created a playlist of music from his works. Starting off with the popular Twin Peaks theme song, Music to Write About David Lynch Movies is a journey through his career. It honors the eclectic nature of his soundtracks. Enjoy the music and let it take you to his dreamy worlds!

My Experience With David Lynch

Close to twenty years ago, my college art professor assigned the class to watch Mullholand Drive and Apocalypse Now over the weekend. His intention was to compare the juxtaposition of Hollywood glamour with the mysterious and gloomy tone of Mullholand to how Francis Ford Coppola portrayed people surfing, smoking weed, and watching Playboy playmates perform in the Vietnam War. Thinking about it all these years later, there was a little bit of arrogance and mansplaining when he talked about his interpretation of Lynch’s mind-bending film.

Mullholand Drive, © 2001 Universal Pictures.

Regardless of the professor’s intent, I thank him for the life-changing weekend. Today, these are two of my favorite movies. But it was Mullholand Drive the one that blew my mind and left me speechless. That was my first encounter with David Lynch, which I discovered when going deeper into the movie world. Watching David Lynch’s masterpiece made me curious about other filmmakers like Alejandro Jodorowsky, Jim Jarmusch, Todd Solonz, and Gregg Araki, to name a few. It is not a bold statement when I say that Lynch’s lucid dreams (and nightmares) changed me as a movie person and still continue to impact me in many ways.

RIP, David Lynch. Thanks for everything and telling us to keep an eye on the donut, not the hole.


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